In this Digital Age era, software engineering is becoming one of the most significant components of modern technology. As the demand for more effective and efficient software solutions increases, so does the need for quality assurance in software engineering.

(Hold, let me get my cup of coffee..)

Quality assurance (QA) is the process of ensuring that software products meet quality standards and specifications. Quality assurance is essential for any successful software engineering project. Without it, software products will be unreliable, inefficient, and mediocre at best. Evidently development houses/hubs have been mushrooming preaching the gospel of making software, but we know it’s not everyone who can make quality software. I have personally had the misfortune of using software that makes you cringe because of the bad UX accompanied by the never ending crashing of the software. Well maybe it is just my eye for quality software that gives me that reaction, but I am sure ain’t the only one, once upon a time, I saw someone throwing a keyboard on the floor, (poor floor) you can’t make this up, breathing heavily and l can swear i saw that kind of drooling that someone who is really frustrated has, am glad we were at work. [For the fear of HR we were spared.] That said, we can establish that we need a gatekeeper for quality, that’s where Quality Assurance comes in and in my case I dare say, that’s where automation of quality assurance comes in.

The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation has disrupted the traditional approach to software engineering and quality assurance. AI and automation have allowed for more agile development and accelerated the speed at which software changes can be implemented. Automated testing tools have become popular for quickly and reliably detecting defects in software products. These tools enable developers to quickly pinpoint bugs in order to decrease time to market and increase product reliability. Selenium, Cucumber, Appium, Crossbrowser by Smartbear have propelled this and most companies who have adopted and taken advantage of these technologies are clearly different from the other mushroom development house by First Street.

To ensure the highest quality of software products, companies are adopting AI-driven automation processes. These processes can enable faster and more thorough testing, which leads to fewer failures due to undetected errors. AI-driven automated processes also enable analysis of trends and patterns to identify potential areas of improvement. This allows companies to quickly identify and address issues before they become serious problems.

AI and automation have also made it easier for teams to stay on top of the latest development practices. Through automated processes, teams can create more powerful apps faster and with fewer errors. Automation of certain tasks can also increase productivity, resulting in more throughput with smaller teams. For a testing session that would require three or four QA Engineers to do in an hours, a script can complete that in 10 minutes or less, without burnout or leaving out some test cases, because you trusted that developer friend of yours called Bunbee to close the issue you noted last release.

I have already talked about some advantages of automation above, but to be more explicit, below are some of the advantages of automation in software quality assurance:

1.  Cost Saving: Automated testing is much less expensive than manual testing over the long run. Automation often makes up for the initial cost of creation by reducing the resources required to perform manual tests.

2.  Faster Testing: Automated tests run much faster than manual tests, and can provide immediate feedback on test results.

3.  Increased Coverage: Automated tests can be written to target a much wider range of scenarios than can be tested manually, increasing the total amount of coverage.

4.  Improved Accuracy: Automated testing helps to reduce human error, providing more accurate results than manual testing.

5.  Easier Maintenance: Automated tests also require less maintenance as they do not need to be constantly monitored and updated.